Yes, this is Lee Ann and I holding hands.
Yes, we are married. But this is much more than that.
This is a picture of two best friends. Someone once said that there is no greater love than this, that a friend would lay down his life for another. That's the core of it. Lee Ann is my best friend. Lee Ann is my ride or die. She is the best person to be sick with (current situation), have fun with, trust and confide in, be goofy with, and to take risks with.
But here is a curve ball. This could be the hand of my brother Brian Jolly. This could be the hand of my mentor Doug Young. These are men that I would proudly hold that hand of at all times. These are men who have been willing to go through it thick and thin. That would be willing to stand beside me at all times no matter the situation. I would leap at the opportunity to do the same.
The picture illustrates this perfectly, I am with my best friend in preschool and we had just finished a play or presentation for all the families. There was confidence and safety together. And some great overalls. But point being there was a friend by my side. By both our sides.
You see, holding hands has been thought to be a romantic gesture for so long. Where in truth, you hold hands with people that you trust. Fathers to sons, mothers to daughters. You hold hands with people that you want by your side. And this is good. Such confidence comes from someone standing next you holding your hand. Such strength comes from someone believing and spurring you on.
It's not always about romance. It's really about trust and belief. Trust in another that they will be there. Belief from another that they simply believe in you.
I love holding hands. Always have and always will.